Back in Kathmandu

Back in Kathmandu

We’re back in Kathmandu for a couple of days before we take off. Yes, we had to take another bus and told Côme we had…



Today, we’re off to Panauti! The city is located 10km away from Namobuddha, and this time around, we decide to hike there. First of all,…



Day 01 – Today we leave Nagarkot and we head towards Namobuddha. Tomorrow we will sleep there for two nights in a buddhist monastery. We…



Day 01 – Today we say goodbye to our Nepali family and go to the mountains. On our way to the bus stop, we stop…

Bhaktapur – Day 03

Bhaktapur – Day 03

Today is hike day! Hari told us of a few hikes around Bhaktapur and the shortest one (about 10 km) goes into a forest and…

Bhaktapur – Day 02

Bhaktapur – Day 02

Today, we fully explore Bhaktapur. After a quick stop to feed the chicks (Côme even managed to pet one today), we have decided to pass…

Bhaktapur – Day 01

Bhaktapur – Day 01

Today, we are off to Bhaktapur. A city east of Kathmandu. We are really happy to leave our “hotel”. Let’s hope next home will be…

Kathmandu – Day 03

Kathmandu – Day 03

Today, we visit Patan, a city in the southern suburbs of Kathmandu. Our first impressions are very positive. Patan is way more charming than Kathmandu.…

Kathmandu – Day 02

Kathmandu – Day 02

After a good night sleep (yeah right!) we’re off to another day of exploration. Today, Julia is our guide (a first)! We stroll through animated…

Kathmandu – Day 01

Kathmandu – Day 01

Before arriving on Nepalese land, we’ve got to share with you this flight from Himalaya Airlines. Without even talking about the two and a half…