Pratiques de Maternage – Dubaï

Pratiques de Maternage – Dubaï

Je n’ai malheureusement pas pu commencer mon exploration des différentes pratiques de maternage à Istanbul. La barrière de la langue et ma timidité que je…

Dubaï – Day 07

Dubaï – Day 07

Today is our last day in Dubaï. Once again we move out to a hotel closer to the airport. There is a huge detour from…

Dubaï – Day 06

Dubaï – Day 06

Today is D day! We’re going to the Museum of the Future! We’re excited but a bit apprehensive. Soumaya and Sylvestre have warned us that…

Dubaï – Day 03-04-05

Dubaï – Day 03-04-05

Day 03 – Today, we’re changing hotel to be closer to the “activities” we’ll be doing the next couple of days, so this afternoon, we’re…

Dubaï – Day 02

Dubaï – Day 02

This morning, we’re off to the highest building in the world: Burj Khalifa. Côme is excited because he always asks us questions about the biggest…

Dubaï – Day 01

Dubaï – Day 01

Yesterday, no blog. It was a transition day. We just took a short walk in the afternoon (not easy with the backpacks) and Doo ate…