

Day 01 –As soon as we arrive in Nara, we head straight to the Tourist Office at the train station for our first stamp of…

Kyoto – Part 2

Kyoto – Part 2

Day 03 –“It’s such a beautiful day today!” We know it because Julia will say it at least 10 times a day. So, on this…

Kyoto – Part 1

Kyoto – Part 1

Day 00 – Today we’re going to Kyoto. We have to fly to Osaka first and then take a train to Kyoto. So, there isn’t…

Tokyo – Part 3

Tokyo – Part 3

Day 06 – Today we’re going to the Metropolitan Government Building. It is a building from where you can have a superb panoramic view of…

Tokyo – Part 2

Tokyo – Part 2

Day 04 – Today the weather is great so we’ve decided to go to the Ginkgo street. Ginkgo leaves have turned yellow a few days…

Tokyo – Part 1

Tokyo – Part 1

Day 01 – Today, we’re leaving very early in the morning. We’re going to Japan! Côme has been looking forward to this moment ever since…